Sustainable and Stunning
December 23, 2019 | Beth Singer, Principal
Wrapping with Scrap Proves to be a Newsworthy Practice
This has been a busy couple of weeks for Beth as she participated in numerous interviews and TV segments — spreading the word on how to Wrap with Scrap, saving 60 million trees each year and practicing new innovation skills.

Last week, Holly Morris of Fox 5's Good Day DC invited Beth to demonstrate how to Wrap with Scrap as a creative, environmentally friendly alternative to wrapping paper and ribbon. You can watch Beth's segment here for more ideas on how to wrap your gifts with things you would normally throw out or recycle!

WUSA 9 Great Day Washington
Last Monday morning, CBS’ Great Day Washington ran this segment with their on-air team and all new Wrap with Scrap ideas. Weather Anchor Miri Marshall was so impressed that she shot an additional segment with Beth that will run this Sunday morning, accompanied by an online piece on WUSA 9's website.

On Black Friday, Rebecca Burnett from WDVM-TV filmed this segment with Beth from our studio in Clarendon.
Arlington Magazine
It all started with this article that Beth wrote for the November issue of Arlington Magazineon why she'll never buy wrapping paper again.
Beth has become quite the spokesperson for sustainable gift-giving as a way to personally practice environmental stewardship while keeping innovative thinking as part of our everyday lives. Give her a call if you'd like to hear ideas for bringing this kind of design-thinking to your next project.
Follow us on Instagram @wrapwithscrap for more tips on how to, and why to, Wrap with Scrap.