BSD Recognized for Helping People Use Health Benefits
September 23, 2019 | Howard Smith, Principal
Loudoun County Public Schools has an awesome Employee Health, Wellness & Benefits department. And we really mean awesome! Not only do they want their 11,000 teachers and public school staff to use their benefits to the fullest, they provide an endless basketful of activities, support, programs, and explanations on topics to keep them healthy and engaged in their personal lives. Staying mentally fit, reaching their potential, caring for aging parents, and relationship health are but a few of the plethora of topics LCPS takes on each month in Wellness Works!, the monthly magazine for which BSD provides design services and develops original content.

We are proud to share that our work has received the Health + Wellness Award by Graphic Design USA for design of Wellness Works! Thank you LCPS for making us part of your team and allowing us to support your employees’ wellness!
Browse more of the work on our website:
Browse the full publications on Issuu:
