International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Annual Reports

2018 Annual Report Cover close-up

2018 Annual Report Cover

2017 Annual Report Spread

2018 Annual Report Cover close-up
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) wanted to put a more human face on The Fund and sought a less technical, more captivating way to tell the complex stories of its accomplishments each year. Since 2014 we’ve worked with them to do just that.
We began with a thorough analysis and sorting of information. There was a lot of it, and much of it didn’t compellingly communicate the IMF’s accomplishments or objectives.
The review led us to recommend completely reorganizing the report.
Previously the most important elements of each accomplishment were distributed throughout the book. By consolidating and moving the most compelling stories to the front, the 100+ page document looked and read more like a magazine rather than a report. The major spreads featured “visual storytelling,” where the reader can take away the message without reading. This approach helped bring the stories alive in a non-visual way. This was especially important to the IMF’s worldwide audience, since the report is translated into seven languages. We worked with the IMF on five consecutive reports 2015–2019. For a deeper dive into this project, read our case study.
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