Cathedral Choral Society
Nonprofit Marketing Campaign

Website home page.


Performance postcard

Website home page.
A celebrated Washington musical institution wanted to fill more seats at their concerts and make themselves relevant to younger audiences. They hired us to help turn up the volume!
Sometimes nonprofit organizations need more than they can afford. (Sound familiar?) This was the case with National Cathedral Society. Were able to “back into” the creation of a new brand by designing the urgent pieces—such as the season program mailer—in a modular fashion, engineering branding elements that can be used and reused in multiple ways. These elements provided the look and feel, and subsequent building blocks for the new brand.
The new website had many requirements:
• Allow visitors to purchase tickets easily
• Increase donations
• Connect experience with the National Cathedral itself
• Deepen fans’ experience with behind-the-scenes info
• Highlight community service of the Choral Society
• Showcase their world-renowned musical director
• Ease of use by non-technical personnel
We wrote and designed all digital, print and mail marketing materials in addition to providing design, development, launch and training services for their new website.
Other Related Work:
Congregation Beth Sholom Brand Identity and Guidelines