New Israel Fund
Telling NIF’s Inspirational Story

2016 Annual Report cover

2016 Annual Report spread

2014 Annual Report spread

2016 Annual Report cover
Annual Reporting Reflects the Work of a Unique Organization
NIF works to support "grantees," grassroots organizations that build Israel’s progressive civil society. Over the past 40 years, NIF has invested more than $300 million helping to ensure equal social and political rights for all of Israel’s citizens.
Since 2012, NIF and Beth Singer Design have collaborated on its Annual Reports to identify and bring to life dramatic examples of its impact on everyday Israeli life. Our presentations walk donors and friends of NIF through the pivotal moments that led to the success of their initiatives, and to understand their unique approaches that allowed its grantees to succeed.
Opening hearts and minds through design
Each year we reflect the progressive, energetic approach that is the hallmark of the NIF culture. Examples of our designs solutions include:
Success stories that explain not only the transformational “moment,” but also how NIF and their grantees had prepared and responded
Timelines for each case study showing the sequence of events leading up to the success, and descriptions of related accomplishments
Dynamic snapshots of the year-at-a-glance and thank-yous to donors from grantees, field staff, and regular citizens whose lives had been improved by NIF’s work.
For the 40th anniversary, an innovative graphic novel-style approach that tells — and shows — the NIF story from its inception as a circle of friends trying to help their beloved Israel, to the present-day highly functioning organization that has spread progressive values over the past 40 years, traveling through time so readers could see then and now, together.
“Working with BSD was a game-changer for communicating with donors. Everyone loves our new, livelier, more informative format of the Annual Report. You asked the right questions to create exactly the product and presentation we needed.”
— Naomi Paiss, Former Communications Director, New Israel Fund
“We love working with the team at Beth Singer Design and I am convinced, through experience, they are the best out there. There’s an inherent benefit to concentrating marketing and communications work with one firm, who really knows us and understand the various angles with each new project.”
—Libby Lenkinski, Vice President for Public Engagement, New Israel Fund
They asked us to…
Craft a compelling annual report design to present each year’s successes to donors
What happened was…
During the initial year, fundraising increased 6% following the report’s distribution
Key organizational stakeholders and supporters are continuously recognized
Donors exhibit a high degree of excitement and pride after each annual report is published
We provided …
Communications strategy
Message development
Annual report design
Information graphics