Achieve, Inc.
Education Advocacy Campaign

Printed “toolkit” houses a plethora of resources for education advocates

Subject matter inserts make complex info readily accessible

Social media posts pair imagery with main messages

Printed “toolkit” houses a plethora of resources for education advocates
Achieve strives to ensure all students graduate from high school are ready to succeed. To that end, they advocate for education reform at the local, state and national levels. They wanted to enable grass-roots advocates to do more. But how to give them the tools they need?
To answer that question we created a multi-channel campaign that addresses Achieve’s goals.
Website: In addition to providing a thorough description of the program, the website housed up-to-the-minute data on state-wide issues, a plethora of user-customizable “tools” including Powerpoint, Word, infographics and advocacy letters.
Toolkit: A printed “toolkit” was made up of a series of inserts that organized complex information into a readily accessible format. Reprinting individual inserts enabled the kit to be updated in a cost-effective manner as information changed.
App: Rounding out the package was a custom-designed app, whose primary focus was to provide up-to-the-minute data for education reform advocates.
Social Media: A series of branded social media graphics that carry main campaign messages and templates for new ones.
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